Claiming Your Listing

Delano Dentists is committed to accurate listings that allow patients to locate you and your dental office. Only after the responsible person claims a listing can it be modified.


Complete the following steps to claim your Delano Dentists listing to gain maximum visibility.


Sign Up or Sign In to Delano Dentists


Regardless of whether you already have a Delano Dentists account or not, the first step to claiming your listing is to click on "sign in" from the homepage.



Delano Dentists account holders should type their email and unique password before clicking "sign in."


Non-Delano Dentists account holders must sign up first. Select "register" at the bottom of sign in page to be redirected to the create an account page. Here you will type your name, valid email, and unique password. Then click "register."



Search For Your Listing


Once you have signed in, search for your listing within the hundreds of listings found within the Delano Dentists directory. Do so by typing your name in the homepage search bar before clicking "search."



You can also create a listing if the Delano Dentists directory does not have one for you.


Select Your Listing


Delano Dentists will give search results that are either closely or precisely matching the name you searched. To view the listing details, click on your name.



Claim Your Listing


From here, take the time to go through your Delano Dentists listing details. Then proceed by selecting "claim listing" from under your address.



Choose Your Marketing Plan


Delano Dentists has various marketing plans and payment options. Choose the most suitable plan for your budget by clicking on "select this plan" at the bottom of the appropriate box.



Pay for Your Marketing Plan


Delano Dentists guarantees secure transactions by processing payments through Stripe. Click "pay with card" after you have confirmed the details of your chosen marketing plan.



Lastly, type in a valid email address along with your credit card details. Finalize your payment by clicking "pay."



Auditing Process


The administrators for the Delano Dentists directory receive your claim request once payment is finalized. The auditing process requires the administrators to verify the identity of the person claiming the listing against the person in the listing. Remember, only the person in question can claim a listing.


Once approved, you'll be able to make any necessary modifications to your Delano Dentists listing.


Should you have any comments, we are always here to help.